BSc (hons), MBBS (Lond) FRCS (Tr & Orth) MD

Hip, Knee & Revision Hip Replacement Surgeon

Year of first Medical qualification 2003

Current membership of professional/other bodies:

  • GMC (UK)
  • British Orthopaedic Association
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
  • British Hip Society

I qualified in London, and have worked in the UK, completing my specialist Orthopaedic training in the South West of England centred around Bristol. After this I spent almost 2 years as a fellow in Auckland, New Zealand where I specialised in Total Hip and Knee replacements, Revision Hip Replacements and complex lower limb trauma management. I have pursued my interest in joint replacement surgery first as a locum consultant in Weston-Super-Mare and then when successfully appointed to Barnstaple in 2018 as a Substantive Consultant.

Luke Brunton

I currently work in both public and private practice in Barnstaple, operating at NDDH, Barnstaple, North Devon. I have developed an interest in enhanced recovery for arthroplasty and am clinical lead for this. North Devon now has one of the best length of stays in Hip and Knee Replacement surgery for which we are rightly proud.

My practice is specialised to hip and knee surgery, with an emphasis on accurate implant positioning and bone and joint preservation. I also participate in the cover of acute trauma and orthopaedics on the on-call rota at NDDH and am actively involved with teaching, audit and research.

I am on the editorial board for the Journal Hip International.

I am the honorary secretary for the South West Orthopaedic Society (SWOC).

To get in contact for private surgery please email or call 01271 322747. This is provided outside of a consultant’s core clinical hours and scheduled on-call periods.
